Monday, June 1, 2009

summer polyvore time!

I haven't done this in forever, so it's officially time for some lusting.

My wist list... as of this hour. I'm sure it will expand in due time.

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1. Yellow sneakers. The epitome of SUMMER FUN.
2. Jewel and bauble encrusted. My favorite: so fun and pretty.
3. Quirky, weird, Japanese, sandals = instant love.
4. Can never have too many strappy brown sandals. They match everything. And I love this burnt shade of orange/brown.
5. Sweet cream flats with pretty cutouts. Cute for sundresses and shorts. I think I would string some plum colored satin ribbon through the holes for an ankle tie.
6. Sky blue loafers!! I want a boat to wear these on, but I think I'll settle for a stroll along the beach.
7. The purple is so pretty and I LOVE the criscrossing laces.
8. Look at those awesome studs. I really like how they are really small and just look ... psrinkled on.
9. Coral flats with a bow. So sweet and summery.
10. Love the dark teal, cutouts, and adorable little balls.
11. Love the cutouts on these sneakers. Plus, they are kind of obnoxiously bright. <3
12. White sneakers with a semi high top. Perfect and very old school.
13. Pretty color, and I love the detailing on the heel part.

1. Those sheer fabric ruffles are really beautiful. It's so simple and elegant and FUN. I want to to make this.
2. The colors remind me of sorbet. :)
3. I don't know, I liked the way the colors faded into each other. Plus, it's cute.
4. FLORAL FLORAL FLORAL!! The colors are really fresh and vibrant on this one. I love floral dresses. They are the epitome of running around in meadows during the summer.
5. Simple t-shirt inspired shirt. Good for lazy simple days.
6. For a bit, I looked at this. At first, it kind of struck me as shapeless and boring... but I don't know. Now it seems really pretty in a very understated way. I think it would be important to wear this one right though.
7. Raspberry and ruffles. Sounds like some kind of truffle. :) I love it. It looks like it would be so much to swish around your legs.

1 comment:

Thanks for commenting! I love reading all of these :).