Thursday, August 6, 2009


So, yes. It's been a while huh...? My apologies... got rather lazy during my trip. Pictures and journal entries WILL be coming up soon so no worries. They will be up... uh. Eventually. :)

Anyway, it feels pretty good to be back home. I miss the simple things... like good CLEAN air, wide roads, open spaces, amazing weather... the SUN. I haven't really done much excpet some summer homework, but once that's out of the way, my blog will definitely get some of its much needed attention.

Hm... I feel a little like rambling today. So, skip this part if it bores you.

Today was an example of why summer rocks. I woke up at ... 12 ish, drank some fresh juice, and then took a nap at 1:30. I woke up at 3:30, missed my marching band retreat (-_-), and talked to Franz and Lucy. Who, by the way, brought over some delicious food and company. Afterwards... lounged around on the computer... read some blogs and magazines (more fashion opinions later) and it was dinner time. Then we took a nice walk around the neighborhood, watched the sun set, and geezus. The air here really is amazing. So are the huge, leafy, green trees and flowers and EVERYTHING.

When we came home, I had an absolutely scrumptious bowl of watermelon and then took a bath. Yes, a bath. I haven't taken a bath in like a year and wow. It feels soooo gooood. All I was missing were the bubbles...

Anyway, this is way summer is amazing. Minus the homework... and all the other crap I have to do. But still. Gotta love the sunsets, the bright sunshine, the watermelon, and the baths.

:) Hope everyone is having a good one too!

Now Playing: Vanilla Twilight - Owl City

1 comment:

  1. i'm jealous. i miss home. i miss fresh air and being able to breathe deeply without any fear of pollution. i miss the park and the beautiful greenness it offers. and i miss my friends. hahah. sorry i'm rambling in this comment.

    i hope we can have our crafts day soon.


Thanks for commenting! I love reading all of these :).