Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A lie.

Okay, so when I said I would update everyday... that was obviously... not true. Haha but I'm trying...

It's time for kind of a rambly, nonsense-filled post though. Haven't had one of those in a while.

So. Recently I've been pretty stressed with school, club stuff, college apps, people... I don't know. I suppose life is just... like that. There's always going to be stress. For now, the best way I know how to cope with everything is a cup of hot chocolate. A movie. And hanging out with a bunch of people. Not the best way, but at least it's something.

Couple (many) things that I've been thinking about:
-Thinking can be exhausting. So can not thinking. Life is just exhausting sometimes.
-I am very out of shape. But I started running... so hopefully that keeps up... xD Hopefully I will start swimming too. I LOVE SWIMMING.
-Running away from things never works. Cutting things out never works either. Confronting things is really hard. Trying to figure exactly what you want is probably the most difficult of it all.
-I'm really looking forward to college. I understand my mother has good intentions when she nags... but SERIOUSLY. I don't think I can take it much longer. I know what's wrong and right. I'll be okay.
-College apps are driving me nuts. They really make me realize how little I know about myself.
-What the hell do macaroons taste like...? I really want to try some. They are really pretty.
-How cold is 20 degrees F really...? I wonder if I can take the east coast.
-Crying at random things is a good sign that you are not okay.
-Nail painting is a HEADACHE. Few things make me as irritated as chipped nails the day you do them. ARGH.
-It really does feel good to do something for the world. Even if that means sacrificing weekends and countless hours of menial labor. It yields over $1000 so it's worth it.
-Ice skating is one of the best traditions in the world.
-Regret is one of the worst feelings in the world. I really never want to feel like I could have done better, done differently. I think I just want to live life wherever it takes me.

and lastly,
-I want to skydive.

Monday, December 21, 2009

moar links <3

I have been having really bad dreams. Maybe I should try this.

Always love love love JAK&JIL but look at this inspiring photo. Humm I wanna make that.

Ecofriendly Art. God... really want to try this too.

A study in individuality and uniformity.

Reminder to self: Keep Calm and Ride On.

Have been having hot chocolate twice a day to nurse my melancholy mood. This would most definitely cheer me up.

Oh, this is so gorgeous...

It's time for some FAT KNITS.

I'm amused.

This post was done at the same time as this one. We raced to see who could come up with the best 10 links. (I win.)

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Okay. There's no excuse for this hiatus. BUT... life has kind of been a mess everywhere. I haven't even permitted myself to look at other blogs for fear I will get caught in it all and fail even harder at life. But AHH winter break is here.


-update blog... every day... I promise to myself.
-all 7 college apps hehe
-watch glee
-finish Angela's birthday present... hah.
-write my OPP for speech and debate woot
-hang out with ppl :)

There's more for sure... but that's already a massive, impossible list.

Good luck me.

Last note:
I love plum reds and black. And safety pins!
from: fusedmagazine

Friday, October 23, 2009


I haven't done this in a while, but here are some goodies for all you lovely dearies.

I want to go somewhere cold just to see people like this.


The best way to mend a booboo, besides a kiss.

Knock yourself out.

People really are creative.

Amazing, cute, and quite a dilemma.

Black and beautiful figures.

Would you like to live in these?

How to be invisible.


I want.

Short list, but that's all for today. Must really work on those college apps...!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009


There is something so seductive and beautiful about corsets. And it's really incredible how the form allows for so much creativity. There are SO MANY looks corsets can achieve... I actually think I just have a secret love for bust detailing. One of my projects to do before I die is to make a corset. These are so inspiring and amazing. Some designs to lust after:

Paul and Joe
cute and fresh... a girlish twist on the corset

super sweet and kind of reminds me of porcelain

Rue du Mail
i love how this is a reminiscent of a suit... corset + suit= amazing

strong and beautiful, love the vintage detailing

contrast between the small tighter bust area with the voluminous ruffles

Yves St. Laurent
hot. want one.

Peter Jensen
looks like denim. denim ruffles on a corset? lovely. good combination of textures and surprisingly unique. love the golf/sporty mood

Carmen Marc Valvo
subtle scalloped edges on netted lace corset, great contrast to loose gold pants

Isaac Mizrahi

Thakoon Panichgul
love the unusual print, a fresh take on a piece usually made with lace, leather

Antonio Berardi
sheer fabric sprinkled with sequins, seductive and glamorous

Bottega Veneta
relaxed, clean, crisp. a corset in the cleanest form

Dolce and Gabbana
classy shape, gold, nice fabric texture

all pictures via: fashion moment

hair envy

So I stumbled on this and well. It's interesting. First things first though... I'm literally turning into a witch envying her hair. It's amazing.

Second, I really like her outfit; it's super appropriate with the furry skirt and climbing floral top. Way to incorporate theme and fashion and look good doing it. Good job Blake Lively.

This reminds me, I really want to see Where the Wild Things Are. I haven't hit the movies in a disgustingly long time and it's about time. Maybe after my early application is done...

By the way, nude pump love <3.

Now Playing: Shooting Stars - Bag Raiders
Now Reading: The World Without Us - Alan Weisman

Thursday, October 15, 2009


from cherryblossomgirl

I think I'm in love.

Monday, October 12, 2009

here we go~

So. It's time for another rambly life post haha.

Hum.. It's senior year and well. Actually it isn't that bad. My academics are relatively balanced and not TOO difficult. Extracurriculars are piling up but eh. What else is new.

This year I joined Mock Trial, basically to kind of try something new. It's been pretty good so far, although I need to work on a specific character for my witness statements. Other than that, I'm also trying to get in Speech and Debate again this year... not sure how well that is going to turn out. It's pretty difficult to find the time to prepare and go to the tournaments, but I would really like to compete again in OPP or try out Impromtu speaking or Parliamentary Debate.

Marching Band has been... alright. Not the greatest year for me for a number of reasons, but I still love the people and friendships forged through marching band. Definitely one of the best experiences of my high school life; I will miss it when it's over.

Howler, Amnesty, and ATA have been all pretty good. I'm just trying to stay on top of stuff and not die. Heh.

This year has been pretty good in part because ... I don't know. I guess over the summer I realized how awful last year was, and how much of it was made worse by my constant complaining and whining. This year, I'm vowing to stay optimistic, and actually focus and get things done. It cuts down on the complaining and life is much nicer :). Though last year was really hectic, I'm glad that I learned a valuable lesson about balance and stress-management... and basically learned how to just suck it up and DO IT.

However... college apps. I really need to get going on that. I've started, but I pretty behind as of now. I think I'm applying early; if I manage to get in somewhere, it'll be so nice just KNOW in like December. I'll basically be home-free for like 6 months... Ah...

Early apps are due Nov. 1 so uhm... yeah. I'm working on it.

Hm. I think that's about all for now. I'll leave off with some provocative fashion photos from the Fendi S/S 2010 collection. More about this collection soon.

Now Playing: Syndicate - The Fray (BABY close your eyes... don't open 'til the morning light~)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

inspire me

Just some pictures that inspired me... I should work on college apps or something blah...

totally gorgeous lingerie
i definitely want... would be amazing in black paired with sheer tops
anyone know a good place to get sheer/lace bras?

rocker and amazing

sexy and seductive

i love how its victorian and modern at the same time
the ruffles are dainty and beautiful

THIS is AWESOME. definitely a DIY idea for the future....

from where the wild things are.... LOOK AT THAT SKIRT!!! WANT!


i love this... it's at once cute, hippie-like, and sexy
DIY project for the future :)

pictures from: fashiontoast | atsuii

recent lkbks

I'm not even going to talk about how awful I've been at updating, because that much is quite apparent.

Recent lookbooks:

Wearing: lace vintage shirt | blue skirt | studded belt

Wearing: heather grey and red striped dress | converse hightops

Wearing: square shirt | bleached and studded jeans (DIY by me) | U.O. grey oxford heels
Now you can hype through Facebook, Twitter, and others!
Check it out! :)

More to come later.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

lookbook: oh, SUBURBIA~!

ARGH... I'm awful. I have to update more... which I TOTALLY PROMISE I WILL soon... Senior year is okay... I'm much better at time management... :)
Which gives me no excuse to not update...

Wearing: printed button-up shirt | studded ankle boots | lace slip
LOOKBOOK: now you can hype through facebook! :)

You can see my DIY article on studding the boots here.

Woot. More to come... pinky promise with a thumbprint.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

lookbook: 090911

Ssenior year has started... Have kind of lots to write but...

I'll write more later. Quick post before I'm off to do homework. Woot.

Wearing: blue collared jacket || floral shirt || black patent belt

Sunday, August 16, 2009


So. Hello all. I thought a lot today so uhm... I'm deeply sorry for yet another rambly post. Skip ahead if you'd like.

First things first, I attended my grandmother's friend's memorial service in the morning. I don't really remember much about her, but I do remember her encouraging my sister and I to eat! eat! eat! more food, and her exclaiming about how tall we've grown. I remember her kindness better than her face... which I suppose is a good thing. The service was okay; it didn't really hit me until I saw her face in the open casket and saw all the relatives up close and crying. My mom did too, which made made throat tight and well. It felt pretty surreal. May she rest well in peace, uhm, wherever she is.

Anyway, that got me thinking about death and how it was so ingrained in our lives but how it happens to just everyone. It's sort of like a guaranteed tragic ending to every person. I mean, death isn't always tragic, but you know what I mean. And at first it felt unfair that it was bound to happen, but then I thought about how there are so many happy things that are bound to happen to. And I know this sounds really cliche and boring and obvious, but well. I thought of it today. Life is basically a random jumble of pretty much equal parts of good and bad, and no matter what century we are in, or where we live, or whatever, I think it's all about the same. So, that makes it incredibly important that we make it a little better for ourselves, other people, and the world. And even though in the long run no one really cares that you thanked the man in the blue cap who help open the door for you, I like to think that it makes up for a bruise on that man's life. So today I thanked a man who helped me clear my table.

Sorry to get philosophical on everyone... heh. Back to normal speak.

We went to Costa Mesa today and saw a yard sale, and I squealed because your trash is most likely my treasure. We walked over and I FOUND OLD-SCHOOL CAMERAS. YES. I got the Pentax Spotmatic and two lenses with it for $35 and I am HAPPY. Knowing my mom took a photography class in college, I asked about her experience with it. She said that the whole semester, she and a friend did a project on these people in Hawaii living on the beach. No jobs, nothing fixed, just every single day out on the beach. They lived in tents, had children, and peed in a hole in the sand. My mom and her friend took pictures of them, and eventually became friends. She said they even had parties out there with them. Her teacher loved her photos and kept them. She said she'll dig up the photos and let me see. When she told me that story, I totally had newfound respect for my mom. And a new perspective on her as a person. She seemed young and daring, artistic, happy, and well. Hippie-like. I think I would've liked to see her then. Anyway, she really inspired me and I definitely must find time to play with my camera.

And the reason I don't have much time to fool around with Lawrence (his name) is because I've been cleaning my room like mad. I don't know what's wrong with me. I usually avoid cleaning like the plague because I'm lazy, so it actually gets pretty messy, but now I know the real reason why I don't clean. It's because I'm INSANE. When I get started cleaning, I get really really REALLY meticulous and clean EVERYTHING and organize EVERYTHING and rearrange EVERYTHING. And I'm blessed with a lot of stuff: clothes, bags, scarves, yarn, beads, chinese knotting string, books, etc. etc. and just. I actually took out like half of my tiny beads and rearranged them so they saved space and weren't all mixed up. AND I'm tired of cleaning, because I've been scrubbing along for like 4 days but I can't stop. It must get clean.

It's ridiculous.

Anyhoo, I think I'm done rambling. An apology to all for the lack of fashion input, lookbook pics, art, everything, recently. I will get brilliant, mind-ripping stuff to you all eventually... and quit boring you with my long rambly thoughts. But first, I must clean.


Now Playing: Everything's Gonna Be Alright - Sweetbox

Btw, I think this is by far the most text-heavy thing I've ever written on my blog. I shall give myself a pat on the back.

Have a shining day everyone! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009



I'm working on it. Heh.

Meanwhile... more rambling :).

I got my wisdom teeth out Monday. Not exactly the greatest experience in the world but eh. They are out. I am bleeding. I can't eat. That pretty much sums it up.

School is nearing at an amazingly frightening rapid pace and let's be honest. I'm scared shitless. Last year was a horror story and this year seems no different except there are now college apps in the crap. And more extracurriculars.

I must learn how to get off gchat and the damn internet.


Here's an etsy find... I haven't done one of these in a while. I first found this etsy seller through her beautiful blog of fashion illustrations: Paperfashion. I seriously love her stuff. The drawings and paintings aren't too couture, which quite frankly turn me off a little because it's sort of unrelatable, and just are awesome. And beautiful. She even does custom designs! :)

Check out her etsy store!

Also, if anyone cares, I usually discover etsy finds through "Pounce", which can randomly pick through shops that just had a sale, or an undiscovered shop. Although sometimes I do get my links from other blogs... I know that's cheating but oh well. All for the beautiful things.

Now Playing: Umbrella - Marie Digby

Hope the sunshine is lighting up everyone's smiles! :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009


So, yes. It's been a while huh...? My apologies... got rather lazy during my trip. Pictures and journal entries WILL be coming up soon so no worries. They will be up... uh. Eventually. :)

Anyway, it feels pretty good to be back home. I miss the simple things... like good CLEAN air, wide roads, open spaces, amazing weather... the SUN. I haven't really done much excpet some summer homework, but once that's out of the way, my blog will definitely get some of its much needed attention.

Hm... I feel a little like rambling today. So, skip this part if it bores you.

Today was an example of why summer rocks. I woke up at ... 12 ish, drank some fresh juice, and then took a nap at 1:30. I woke up at 3:30, missed my marching band retreat (-_-), and talked to Franz and Lucy. Who, by the way, brought over some delicious food and company. Afterwards... lounged around on the computer... read some blogs and magazines (more fashion opinions later) and it was dinner time. Then we took a nice walk around the neighborhood, watched the sun set, and geezus. The air here really is amazing. So are the huge, leafy, green trees and flowers and EVERYTHING.

When we came home, I had an absolutely scrumptious bowl of watermelon and then took a bath. Yes, a bath. I haven't taken a bath in like a year and wow. It feels soooo gooood. All I was missing were the bubbles...

Anyway, this is way summer is amazing. Minus the homework... and all the other crap I have to do. But still. Gotta love the sunsets, the bright sunshine, the watermelon, and the baths.

:) Hope everyone is having a good one too!

Now Playing: Vanilla Twilight - Owl City

Thursday, June 25, 2009

the beginning!

AHH yes. We are stealing someone's wi-fi here so YES I HAVE INTERNET. So I figured I'll keep a travel diary journal thing because it gives me something to do that isn't AP homework...

EDIT: okay yeah... stolen wi-fi isnt the best way to upload a gazillion pictures. So for now, it's just going to be a lot of text. Pictures sometime soon, I promise.

So. First few days in Taiwan have been pretty cool.

PRELUDE: Airplane was gah small...the food was crappy, etc etc the usual. There were a ton of movies though. Which didn't really matter much because I slept for like 9.5 hours, and then I didn't want to start a movie in the middle... so I didn't get to watch WATCHMEN. It's okay though... I'll catch it some other time I suppose...

DAY ONE 6/24:
We arrived in Taoyuan around 6 AM and blah blah got to my grandma's house at around 8 AM. Then we had yummy breakfast and then unpacked for a bit, then we all took a nap. Blah blah... slept until around noon, woke up, had some delicious 米粉. Then me, my sister, and my grandma's helper walked to get some groceries and some desserts. Blah blah.... dinner. Met my cousin's finance... seems nice enough. Blah blah. Then we walked over to the malls across the street and shopped for a bit. It's freaking amazing how much Taipei has expanded since I was last here 2 years ago. Blah blah came home showered... (YES! Ugh Taiwan is so HUMID!) watched some TV and slept. Long day.

I just realized that the above must have been quite boring and painful to read. Sorry, it must be because I don't remember too much from being very very exhausted from the plane ride.

DAY TWO 6/25:
[[[journal notes]]]
6:20 AM: Just woke up from a nightmare... was going to go to prison for 38 days for attacking some dude with I think a shovel? I think it was at anger management camp or something. sister says this is a sign. To defend my dream-self, I gotta say that that guy was a real DOUCHEBAG. if I could only remember what happened... Anyway seriously very freaky and felt very real.
8:30 AM: Aunt came over... ugh... I really don't like her very much... She didn't really look at me... I guess I should be used to this. She does do a lot for me so that is good. But still.... UGH. frustrated. went upstairs and connected to a world half a globe away and felt much better.
10:20 AM: riding the bus with mom and sister on our way to lunch with 高阿姨, my mom's friend. she's really awesome. But sitting here on the bus... NOTE TO SELF: IT'S OKAY TO BE ALONE.

That's all for journal notes today. Here comes the real journal entry.
So we went to lunch at 鼎泰豐, which is this really famous restaurant famous for their 小龍包. I would have a huge load of pictures to show everyone but yeah. Read above. Anyway, YUM YUM It was good.

Afterwards, we had some time to kill before we went to get our backs straightened by this ... chiropractor I guess you could say? So we went to visit the kidergarten/tutoring place that my sister and I used to work at two years ago. They still remember us. :) :) I wish I took pictures because they are freaking adorable kids, but they were supposed to be napping, and I know I'll visit later.

After killing enough time, we got our backs straightened... yay yay. Then we went to have afternoon coffee/tea. My mom's friend loves afternoon tea so we always go. I LOVE THIS PART OF TAIWAN TRIPS. The cakes we ordered were DELICIOUS and BEAUTIFUL. Again, pictures soon.

EDIT: OH MY GOD. I'VE BEEN TRYING TO POST ABOUT THIS TRIP FOR LIKE TWO WEEKS. But I'm getting super lazy so I'll try to do it .... in bits and pieces. Here are the first two days as a taste.

More to come later...

Monday, June 22, 2009

a break

I'm going to be gone for 5 weeks... to Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia.

So my blog is probably going to be pretty stagnant unless I find time to update.

Have a great summer everyone!!

Friday, June 19, 2009


Life SHOULD get better.

Summer is going to be busy...

More pictures up later.

Monday, June 15, 2009

lookbook: what do i say

Wearing: black sequined tank | bullhead jeans | combat boots from gojane

Now Playing: Falling - Emmy Rossum


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


i dont know what to feel
its this tangled
blob of dirty string
and it has 11 dimensions
the truth, and 10 variations of lies
and im sitting here trying to figure it out
trying hard not to lie to myself
but it feels like when that happens
the truth i find
makes me the
ugliest, shallowest, most useless
person that i know
so i think
thats why i run
and add the 12th lie
the 12th dimension
and tangle the truth up more
in the blob of

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

lookbook: today will be the day we reach the SKY~!

Nothing too special today. I love the ruffles on my sleeves though. They are fun :).

Wearing: ruffle sleeve dress from Target | denim shorts | ribbed blue tights | brown cuff booties


Monday, June 1, 2009

summer polyvore time!

I haven't done this in forever, so it's officially time for some lusting.

My wist list... as of this hour. I'm sure it will expand in due time.

Click for more info.

1. Yellow sneakers. The epitome of SUMMER FUN.
2. Jewel and bauble encrusted. My favorite: so fun and pretty.
3. Quirky, weird, Japanese, sandals = instant love.
4. Can never have too many strappy brown sandals. They match everything. And I love this burnt shade of orange/brown.
5. Sweet cream flats with pretty cutouts. Cute for sundresses and shorts. I think I would string some plum colored satin ribbon through the holes for an ankle tie.
6. Sky blue loafers!! I want a boat to wear these on, but I think I'll settle for a stroll along the beach.
7. The purple is so pretty and I LOVE the criscrossing laces.
8. Look at those awesome studs. I really like how they are really small and just look ... psrinkled on.
9. Coral flats with a bow. So sweet and summery.
10. Love the dark teal, cutouts, and adorable little balls.
11. Love the cutouts on these sneakers. Plus, they are kind of obnoxiously bright. <3
12. White sneakers with a semi high top. Perfect and very old school.
13. Pretty color, and I love the detailing on the heel part.

1. Those sheer fabric ruffles are really beautiful. It's so simple and elegant and FUN. I want to to make this.
2. The colors remind me of sorbet. :)
3. I don't know, I liked the way the colors faded into each other. Plus, it's cute.
4. FLORAL FLORAL FLORAL!! The colors are really fresh and vibrant on this one. I love floral dresses. They are the epitome of running around in meadows during the summer.
5. Simple t-shirt inspired shirt. Good for lazy simple days.
6. For a bit, I looked at this. At first, it kind of struck me as shapeless and boring... but I don't know. Now it seems really pretty in a very understated way. I think it would be important to wear this one right though.
7. Raspberry and ruffles. Sounds like some kind of truffle. :) I love it. It looks like it would be so much to swish around your legs.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend at Lucy's and Franz's!

Ah... Last weekend, our family went over to my mom's friends' house for a memorial day party.

All I can say is FOOD FOOD FOOD.

Enjoy the food porn, darlings.

Cheese puffs from TRADER'S JOE :)

BEST chips in the world. We have a large unopened bag... waiting to get devoured. Soon.

Salsa to go with the chips. :)

Their garden is absolutely amazing. They have so many vegetables and fruits and even GRAPES and a PASSION FRUIT tree. I have never seen a passion fruit flower. I agree with Franz: they are one of the most unique and beautiful flowers I've ever seen.

A new shoot. Isn't it beautiful? :) It makes me happy just looking at it.

Back to food. Lucy makes the BEST focaccia IN THE WORLD.

SALAD. So refreshing and delicious!!

Indian shrimp curry with coconut milk! SO GOOD.

And because Franz is German... there is of course, a few sips of beer. It was pretty light and refreshing. He gave/I stole some bottles because they are really pretty. (One of them is from the oldest brewery in the WORLD!) I think I'm going to put some flowers in these bottles, which are currently decorating my windowsill. :)

These corn fritters were TRULY GORGEOUSLY DELICIOUS. The corn was SO FRESH... Lucy said she had to go to a specific place to get it. Well, Lucy dear, it was WELL WORTH IT. :)

I HAD A MILLION OF THESE. Nothing beats these little bursts of sunshine!

This is my favorite part I think. Fresh strawberries with homemade whipped cream (which, now that I have tasted it, I shall conclude that it is INFINITELY BETTER than the crap that comes in a can). I must have eaten like 40 strawberries... But, no matter. I was happy and I didn't get sick! Teehehe

Then came the baklava. We had a tray with like 8 different kinds. Sweet, a bit like a piece of heaven.

Serena enjoying a goooood piece of baklava. :)

Lucy was very excited about this heart-shaped potato she found one day. She said she wanted to preserve it... anyone know how to preserve a potato? It does look like a little heart though... with a face!!

Ah... that is all, my dears. Hope you enjoyed them. And with all these... I think I'm going to go rummage through my cabinets for some food. I'm hungry now.

Now Playing: Battlefield - Jordin Sparks
(why does love always feel like a BATTLEFIELD?!)

Now Reading: Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex - Mary Roach
(which, though it sounds strange and perverted, is a truly amazing book about the science of the sex. Don't tell me you were never curious.)