Monday, March 2, 2009

streams of last night's thought vomit

Sorry if that's a disgusting title but that literally was what last night was. A thought vomit.

i like the word firetruck
if i have a baby im going to teach him/her that word
right after he/she learns mommy and daddy
if i slouch a bit, i can feel my hair on my thigh
theres a piece of hair in my mouth
my underwear has hot pink lace on it
its peeking through my shorts
i need to shave
i keep forgetting to
i want the sun to sleep next to me
my bruises hurt
they are kind of pretty
there is an itch on my right foot
should i scratch it?
i just bit my tongue.
should i wash my hair today
my ears are disgusting
i like wearing shorts when its really really cold
im retarded
i like when my pinky is really cold
and when i hold warms hand
it feels awesome
there is plastic wrap next to me
my euro homework is on 4 different colors of paper
i want a third piercing
i want a tattoo as well
somewhere secret
like a flower blooming in no man's land
i realize that i dont like tutoring thomas
i like the way string
falls through my fingers
my fingers are cold
im always scared i will get frostbite one of these days
do you ever...
when you smell something
does it make you think of stuff?
im sort of avoiding a certain bottle of lotion right now
its sitting there
condensation beads inside
when i put it on sometimes
i feel almost sick with memory

i have a secret.

when I spin a little in my wooden chair
with the nine cut-out panels
something rushes out
and I whisper out my secret
shhh! don’t tell but
(i’m an imposter. A Pretender!)

my heart is beating too fast

1 comment:

  1. cool poem! this poem raises a lot of questions about its references... but perhaps they are yours to keep secret.


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